Amazon Prime’s video game anthology shorts series directed by Deadpool director Tim Miller, the first half was just released yesterday as of this writing. I was able to watch it and have thoughts I wanted to share. Overall, I was very impressed with the anthology, though only the first 8… Continue Reading... "Secret Level is Great – A Few Thoughts"
The Game Awards – Can categories be updated?
I’ve had the opportunity to watch The Game Awards every year over the last 10 years. I’ve enjoyed watching it steadily improve over the years and I look forward to it every year. Frankly, I detest the discourse of ‘the video game community’ snobbishly lobbing potshots at one of the… Continue Reading... "The Game Awards – Can categories be updated?"
2024 – Mid Year Check-in
The year is zooming by, as most years seem to do now! Here are a few items that have happened so far this year: Continue Reading... "2024 – Mid Year Check-in"
Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Greatness During COVID-19
My wife reminded me around the Thanksgiving holiday that we had always talked about going to see TSO but never made the time, and she really wanted to go this year. Dumbfounded, I looked at her wondering aloud if she realized that the world is suffering from a global pandemic… Continue Reading... "Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Greatness During COVID-19"