I wanted to cover this adventure in two ways, first overall my perspective of alcohol throughout my life, and second a look at how I’ve reacted in the weeks since I’ve stopped drinking. Examples such as how my body has reacted, some things I expected that didn’t happen, and other… Continue Reading... "My Adventures with Alcohol – Part 1"
Qi Charging – What is it, is it safe and should I invest?
Roughly 18 years ago while I was in college for my Telecommunications Management degree, I was fascinated by something I saw at the end of one of my hefty textbooks. Following definitions of dense wave division multiplexing and private branch exchange (PBX) systems there was a note on the future… Continue Reading... "Qi Charging – What is it, is it safe and should I invest?"
It’s not politics, it’s extremism…
I mentioned in my inaugural post that I really wasn’t looking to court controversy or lean into drama. I still believe that what follows is my personal view that I felt I needed to explain. Considering I’ve had a traffic total of 12 visitors in the last 4 weeks, I… Continue Reading... "It’s not politics, it’s extremism…"
Best Video Games I Played in 2019
2018 was a tough year to follow for video games (just as 2017 was difficult to follow, thank you Nintendo Switch!) – especially when you think about the fantastic first-party Sony games released on the Playstation 4. Not all games listed here were released in 2019, this is purely my… Continue Reading... "Best Video Games I Played in 2019"
Persona 5 – Will I ever be able to finish it?
I wrote this on 9/8/19, sad to say I still haven’t finished this game. I’m still in awe over a year after writing this (and over 3 years after the release of this game) how both excellent and frustrating I find this gaming experience. A good video game will pull… Continue Reading... "Persona 5 – Will I ever be able to finish it?"
Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Greatness During COVID-19
My wife reminded me around the Thanksgiving holiday that we had always talked about going to see TSO but never made the time, and she really wanted to go this year. Dumbfounded, I looked at her wondering aloud if she realized that the world is suffering from a global pandemic… Continue Reading... "Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Greatness During COVID-19"
Best Video Games I Played in 2018
One of the things I’ve had in my life, in some form or fashion, since I was six years old is video games. I’m sure I’ll touch on my history with video games in the future, though I wanted to post some of my thoughts on games over the last… Continue Reading... "Best Video Games I Played in 2018"
Why I started this site…
Hello! To those who may have wandered in from the internet, welcome! My name is Ryan and I love games, technology, the principles of leadership, and having fun in all of it’s forms. I woke up this morning and decided that I have something to say. A lot of somethings… Continue Reading... "Why I started this site…"